Samsung reportedly reduces orders for 10.1-inch tablet components

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Posted by Abhijeet M. on 28 August 2013 at 19:23


There was a time when the iPad was the only tablet worth spending your money on, and Samsung (and other manufacturers) naturally followed with their own takes on the 10-inch tablet. They weren't too successful, but the real blow came when Google launched the Nexus 7, which created a whole new 7-inch tablet market that saw demand for 10-inch tablets go lower and lower, prompting even Apple to launch a smaller iPad (which, as Apple loves to tell us, is not a crowd follower and is awesome at 7.8-inches.)

Now, it seems Samsung is finally understanding that 10-inch tablets aren't something consumers are looking for, and has reportedly reduced orders for components used in tablets of that size.

Samsung Electronics has reduced orders for components used in 10.1-inch tablets, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers, because 10.1-inch tablet sales have been far below expectations due to strong competition from 7-inch models.

While 10-inch tablets have their uses, the convenience and portability of 7-inchers is something that has made them immensely popular, and it looks like Samsung might begin to reduce the number of products based on the unwanted screen size (not that there are many, but we might never see a Galaxy Note 10.1 II, though that Note 8.0 is still an option for those wanting an S Pen-toting tablet).

Well, there's still that 12.2-inch tablet Samsung (and Apple) is working on so they've not completely learnt their lesson, but hey, I'm sure there are people out there that want to lug around such gigantic tablets.

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